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Best Class for Being Stealth Black Ops 4

The subject of this article appeared in Call of Duty 3. The subject of this article appeared in Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare. The subject of this article appeared in Call of Duty: World at War. The subject of this article appeared in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. The subject of this article appeared in Call of Duty: Black Ops. The subject of this article appeared in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3. The subject of this article appeared in Call of Duty: Black Ops II. The subject of this article appears in Call of Duty: Ghosts The subject of this article appeared in Call of Duty: Black Ops III. The subject of this article appears in Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare The subject of this article appears in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered

Multiplayer classes, also referred to as simply classes or loadouts, refer to the preset classes in both online and split-screen multiplayer modes. They are seen in every Call of Duty title since Call of Duty 3. Preset classes cannot be changed, unlike their Create-A-Class counterparts, and are readily unlocked early in the game prior to Create-A-Class being unlocked.


  • 1 Call of Duty 3
  • 2 Preset Classes on Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
    • 2.1 Assault
    • 2.2 Spec Ops
    • 2.3 Heavy Gunner
    • 2.4 Demolitions
    • 2.5 Sniper
  • 3 Preset Classes for System Link and Split Screen for Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
    • 3.1 Grenadier
    • 3.2 Ghost
    • 3.3 Survivalist
    • 3.4 Pointman
    • 3.5 Marksman
    • 3.6 Warfighter
    • 3.7 Close Quarters
    • 3.8 Overwatch
    • 3.9 Defender
    • 3.10 Sharpshooter
  • 4 Preset Classes on Call of Duty: World at War
    • 4.1 Rifleman
    • 4.2 Light Gunner
    • 4.3 Heavy Gunner
    • 4.4 Close Assault
    • 4.5 Sniper
  • 5 Preset Classes for System Link and Split Screen for Call of Duty: World at War
    • 5.1 Demolitionist
    • 5.2 Infiltrator
    • 5.3 Specialist
    • 5.4 Pointman
    • 5.5 Infantryman
    • 5.6 Veteran
    • 5.7 Avenger
    • 5.8 Enforcer
    • 5.9 Defender
    • 5.10 Marksman
  • 6 Preset Classes in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
    • 6.1 Grenadier
    • 6.2 First Recon
    • 6.3 Overwatch
    • 6.4 Scout Sniper
    • 6.5 Riot Control
  • 7 Preset Classes in Call of Duty: Black Ops
    • 7.1 SMG
    • 7.2 CQB
    • 7.3 Assault
    • 7.4 LMG
    • 7.5 Sniper
  • 8 Preset Classes in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3
    • 8.1 Grenadier
    • 8.2 First Recon
    • 8.3 Overwatch
    • 8.4 Scout Sniper
    • 8.5 Riot Control
  • 9 Preset Classes in Call of Duty: Black Ops II
    • 9.1 Operative
    • 9.2 Specialist
    • 9.3 Mercenary
    • 9.4 Heavy Gunner
    • 9.5 Scout Recon
  • 10 Preset Loadouts in Call of Duty: Ghosts
    • 10.1 Assault
    • 10.2 CQB
    • 10.3 Covert Ops
    • 10.4 Heavy Gunner
    • 10.5 Marksman
    • 10.6 Sniper (Local Play Only)
  • 11 Preset Loadouts in Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare
    • 11.1 Balanced
    • 11.2 Run and Gun
    • 11.3 Sniper
    • 11.4 Support
    • 11.5 Heavy
  • 12 Preset Loadouts in Call of Duty: Black Ops III
    • 12.1 Vanguard
    • 12.2 Breach
    • 12.3 Sentinel
    • 12.4 Overwatch
    • 12.5 Sharpshooter
  • 13 Preset Loadouts in Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare
    • 13.1 Rifleman
    • 13.2 Rapid Response
    • 13.3 Recon
    • 13.4 Heavy Weapons
    • 13.5 Duelist
  • 14 Preset Loadouts in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare (2019)
    • 14.1 Assault
    • 14.2 Ghost
    • 14.3 Heavy Support
    • 14.4 Demolition
    • 14.5 Sniper

Call of Duty 3

In Call of Duty 3, classes operate as a specialization feature in the multiplayer, complete with their own weapons, abilities and grenades. Differing factions have different infantry weapons, but posess the same grenades and class abilities. Class abilities for the Medic, Scout, Support and Anti-Armor recharge through the use of a Special Ability meter.

Class Weapons Equipment Notes
Rifleman M1 Garand & M1911 (Allies)
Kar98k & Walther P38 (Axis)
Smoke Grenade
Rifle Grenade
Light Assault Thompson & M1911 (Allies)
MP40 & Walther P38 (Axis)
Sticky Grenade
Bouncing Betty
Heavy Assault BAR & M1911 (Allies)
MP44 & Walther P38 (Axis)
Frag Grenade
Bouncing Betty
Medic M1897 Trench Gun & M1911 (Allies)
M1897 Trench Gun & Walther P38 (Axis)
Smoke Grenade
Reviving Allies
Revives will add score to the team's score, except in Team Deathmatch
Scout Springfield & M1911 (Allies)
Kar98k & Walther P38 (Axis)
Frag Grenade
Higher levels give the Artillery more shells, and fires faster initially
Support Browning .30 cal & M1911 (Allies)
MG34 & Walther P38 (Axis)
Frag Grenade
Ammo Box
Higher levels grant more ammo boxes
Anti-Armor Bazooka & M1911 (Allies)
Panzerschreck & Walther P38 (Axis)
Sticky Grenade
Ammo Box

Preset Classes on Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare


Role: Basic all-purpose infantry


Primary Weapon: M16A4 w/Grenade Launcher

Sidearm: M9

Perk 1: N/A (Grenade Launcher)

Perk 2: Stopping Power

Perk 3: Extreme Conditioning

Grenades: Stun grenade

Spec Ops

Role: Surgical strikes


Primary Weapon: MP5

Sidearm: USP .45 w/Silencer

Perk 1: C4 x2

Perk 2: Sonic Boom

Perk 3: Steady Aim

Grenades: Flash Grenade

Heavy Gunner

Role: Directed assault


Primary Weapon: M249 SAW

Sidearm: USP .45

Perk 1: Special Grenades x3

Perk 2: Juggernaut

Perk 3: Deep Impact

Grenades: Stun Grenade (x3)


Role: Explosive solutions


Primary Weapon: W1200

Sidearm: M9

Perk 1: RPG-7 x2

Perk 2: Sonic Boom

Perk 3: Extreme Conditioning

Grenades: Smoke Grenade


Role: Anti-infantry attacks from long distances


Primary: M40A3

Sidearm: M9 w/Silencer

Perk 1: Special Grenades x3

Perk 2: Stopping Power

Perk 3: Deep Impact

Grenades: Flash Grenade (x3)

Preset Classes for System Link and Split Screen for Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare


Role: A slightly more advanced "Assault"


Primary Weapon: M16A4 w/Grenade Launcher

Sidearm: M9

Perk 1: N/A (Grenade Launcher)

Perk 2: Stopping Power

Perk 3: Martyrdom

Grenades: Flash Grenade


Role: A slightly more advanced "Spec Ops"


Primary Weapon: MP5 w/Silencer

Sidearm: USP .45 w/Silencer

Perk 1: Bomb Squad

Perk 2: UAV Jammer

Perk 3: Dead Silence

Grenades: Smoke Grenade


Role: Heavy machinegunner


Primary Weapon: M60E4 w/Grip

Sidearm: Desert Eagle

Perk 1: N/A (Grip)

Perk 2: Juggernaut

Perk 3: Last Stand

Grenades: Stun Grenade


Role: First encounter trooper


Primary Weapon: W1200 w/Red Dot Sight

Sidearm: M1911 .45

Perk 1: Frag x3

Perk 2: Double Tap

Perk 3: Steady Aim

Grenades: Flash Grenade


Role: Sniper


Primary Weapon: R700

Sidearm: M9 w/Silencer

Perk 1: Claymore x2

Perk 2: UAV Jammer

Perk 3: Iron Lungs

Grenades: Stun Grenade


Role: Versatile, rapid attacker


Primary Weapon: G36C w/Red Dot Sight

Secondary Weapon: G3 w/ACOG Scope

Perk 1: Bandolier

Perk 2: Overkill

Perk 3: Extreme Conditioning

Grenades: Smoke Grenade

Close Quarters

Role: CQB-oriented


Primary Weapon: P90 w/Red Dot Sight

Sidearm: M9

Perk 1: Special Grenades x3

Perk 2: Stopping Power

Perk 3: Last Stand

Grenades: Flash Grenade


Role: Suppressive fire support


Primary Weapon: M249 SAW w/ACOG Scope

Sidearm: Desert Eagle

Perk 1:  RPG-7 x2

Perk 2: Sleight of Hand

Perk 3: Deep Impact

Grenades: Stun Grenade


Role: High-threat point defense


Primary Weapon: M1014

Sidearm: USP .45

Perk 1: C4 x2

Perk 2: Sonic Boom

Perk 3: Martyrdom

Grenades: Stun Grenade


Role: Designated marksman


Primary Weapon: M21

Sidearm: M1911 .45 w/Silencer

Perk 1: Bandolier

Perk 2: Stopping Power

Perk 3: Deep Impact

Grenades: Flash Grenade

Preset Classes on Call of Duty: World at War

There are 5 preset classes for online play in Call of Duty: World at War. These classes are soon replaced as soon the player prestiges, where it is replaced by extra custom classes.


Role: Basic all-purpose infantry


Primary Weapon: SVT-40

Sidearm: Colt M1911

Perk 1: Satchel Charge x2

Perk 2: Stopping Power

Perk 3: Extreme Conditioning

Vehicle Perk: Water Cooler

Grenades: Frag/Signal Flare x1

Light Gunner

Role: Light assault


Pri.: Thompson

Sdm.: Colt M1911

P-1: Signal Flare x3

P-2: Gas Mask

P-3: Steady Aim

Vehicle Perk: Water Cooler

Gnds: Frag x1

Heavy Gunner

Role: Directed assault


Pri.: Type 99

Sdm.: Nambu

P-1: Tabun Gas x3

P-2: Flak Jacket

P-3: Deep Impact

Vehicle Perk: Water Cooler

Gnds.: Frag x1

Close Assault

Role: Explosive solutions


Pri.: M1897 Trench Gun

Sdm.: Walther P38

P-1: M9A1 Bazooka x2

P-2: Fireworks

P-3: Extreme Conditioning

Vehicle Perk: Greased Bearings

Gnds.: N° 74 ST/Tabun Gas x1


Role: Anti-infantry attacks from long distances


Pri.: Springfield w/ Sniper Scope

Sdm.: Colt M1911

P-1: Satchel Charge x2

P-2: Stopping Power

P-3: Deep Impact

Vehicle Perk: Water Cooler

Gnds: Frag/Smoke x1

Preset Classes for System Link and Split Screen for Call of Duty: World at War


Role: Grenadier


Pri.: M1 Garand w/ Rifle Grenade

Sdm.: Walther P38

P-1: Rifle Grenade

P-2: Fireworks

P-3: Martyrdom

Vehicle Perk: Ordnance Training

Gnds: N° 74 ST/Tabun Gas x1


Role: Infiltration


Pri.: MP40 w/ Suppressor

Sdm.: Nambu

P-1: Bandolier

P-2: Double Tap

P-3: Dead Silence

Vehicle Perk: Leadfoot

Gnds.: N° 74 ST/Smoke x1


Role: Support


Pri.: DP-28 w/ Bipod

Sdm.: .357 Magnum

P-1: Bomb Squad

P-2: Camouflage

P-3: Second Chance

Vehicle Perk: Greased Bearings

Gnds.: Frag/Tabun Gas x1


Role: First encounter trooper


Pri.: M1897 Trench Gun w/ Bayonet

Sdm.: Colt M1911

P-1: Signal Flare x3

P-2: Shades

P-3: Steady Aim

Vehicle Perk: Water Cooler

Gnds.: Frag x1


Role: A slightly more advanced "Rifleman"


Pri.: Gewehr 43 w/ Aperture Sight

Sdm.: Tokarev TT-33

P-1: M9A1 Bazooka x2

P-2: Stopping Power

P-3: Deep Impact

Vehicle Perk: Coaxial Machine Gun

Gnds.: Frag/Tabun Gas x1


Role: Versatile, rapid attacker


Pri.: FG42 w/ Telescopic Sight

Sdm.: M1A1 Carbine w/ Aperture Sight

P-1: Frag x2

P-2: Overkill

P-3: Extreme Conditioning

Vehicle Perk: Ordnance Training

Gnds.: Frag x2/Smoke x1


Role: CQB-oriented


Pri.: PPSh-41 w/ Round Drum

Sdm.: Walther P38

P-1: Tabun Gas x3

P-2: Gas Mask

P-3: Steady Aim

Vehicle Perk: Water Cooler

Gnds.: Frag x1


Role: Suppressive fire support


Pri.: Browning M1919 w/ Bipod

Sdm.: .357 Magnum

P-1: M9A1 Bazooka x2

P-2: Sleight of Hand

P-3: Deep Impact

Vehicle Perk: Ordnance Training

Gnds.: Frag/Tabun Gas x1


Role: High-threat point defense


Pri.: Sawed-off Double-Barreled Shotgun

Sdm.: .357 Magnum

P-1: Satchel Charge x2

P-2: Flak Jacket

P-3: Martyrdom

Gnds.: Molotov Cocktail/Tabun Gas x1


Role: Designated marksman


Pri.: PTRS-41

Sdm.: .357 Magnum

P-1: Bouncing Betty x2

P-2: Juggernaut

P-3: Iron Lungs

Vehicle Perk: Coaxial Machine Gun

Gnds.: Frag/Signal Flare x1

Preset Classes in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

There are five preset classes available when playing multiplayer mode in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. These classes give players access to weapons and perks that they may not yet have unlocked. Until the weapon or perk is unlocked, play will not count towards any associated challenges. For instance, if a player is using the Grenadier class before they have unlocked the M203 grenade launcher, kills made with the grenade launcher will not count towards unlocking the masterkey shotgun attachment, though they will count as FAMAS kills towards unlocking the M203 attachment. Once the M203 attachment is unlocked, further kills with it would count towards unlocking the shotgun attachment. Similarly, a player will have use of the listed deathstreaks and perks, like Scavenger, but until the player reaches level 13 to unlock Scavenger, no progress will be made towards the Scavenger challenges. Furthermore, when a Pro version of a perk is unlocked, it is also applied to the preset classes.


Role: All-Purpose

Primary: FAMAS w/M203

Secondary: SPAS-12 Silencer

Perk 1: Scavenger

Perk 2: Stopping Power

Perk 3: Commando

Equipment: Frag

Special Grenade: Stun Grenade x2

Deathstreak: Copycat

First Recon

Role: Stealth

Primary: UMP45 Holographic Sight

Secondary: .44 Magnum w/ Tactical Knife

Perk 1: Marathon

Perk 2: Lightweight

Perk 3: Ninja

Equipment: Semtex

Special Grenade: Flashbang x2

Deathstreak: Final Stand


Role: Anti-Vehicle

Primary: L86 LSW Grip & Red Dot Sight

Secondary: AT4

Perk 1: Bling

Perk 2: Danger Close

Perk 3: SitRep

Equipment: Semtex

Special Grenade: Flashbang x2

Deathstreak: Painkiller

Scout Sniper

Role: Sniper

Primary: Barrett .50cal Heartbeat Sensor & FMJ

Secondary: USP .45 Silencer

Perk 1: Bling

Perk 2: Cold-Blooded

Perk 3: Scrambler

Equipment: Tactical Insertion

Special Grenade: Smoke

Deathstreak: Copycat

Riot Control

Role: Support

Primary: Riot Shield

Secondary: Akimbo PP-2000s

Perk 1: Marathon

Perk 2: Hardline

Perk 3: Commando

Equipment: Blast Shield

Special Grenade: Stun grenade x2

Deathstreak: Painkiller

Preset Classes in Call of Duty: Black Ops

There are 5 preset classes for online play in Call of Duty: Black Ops. These classes are soon replaced when the player unlocks Create-A-Class. For System Link and offline Split-Screen, the player is able to customize their own classes in the options menu, with all weapons, attachments, equipment, grenades, and perks unlocked. Unlike Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, Pro Perks obtained are not applied to the Preset Classes.


Role: Rapid attacker

Primary: MP5K

Secondary: ASP

Lethal Grenade: Frag

Tactical Grenade: Flashbang

Perk 1: Lightweight

Perk 2: Steady Aim

Perk 3: Marathon


Role: CQB-oriented

Primary: Olympia

Secondary: M1911

Lethal Grenade: Semtex

Tactical Grenade: Concussion Grenade

Perk 1: Hardline

Perk 2: Sleight of Hand

Perk 3: Tactical Mask


Role:Basic All-purpose infantry

Primary: M16

Secondary: ASP

Lethal Grenade: Frag

Tactical Grenade: Flashbang

Perk 1: Scavenger

Perk 2: Steady Aim

Perk 3: Second Chance


Role: Directed assault

Primary: HK21

Secondary: M72 LAW

Lethal Grenade: Semtex

Tactical Grenade: Concussion Grenade

Perk 1: Flak Jacket

Perk 2: Hardened (perk)

Perk 3: Hacker


Role: Long-range anti-infantry

Primary: Dragunov

Secondary: Makarov

Lethal Grenade: Frag

Tactical Grenade: Willy Pete

Perk 1: Ghost (perk)

Perk 2: Scout

Perk 3: Ninja

Preset Classes in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3

There are five preset classes for multiplayer mode in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3:


Primary: G36C w/ Red Dot Sight and M320

Secondary: PP90M1

Equipment: Frag

Tactical: Flash Grenade

Perk 1: Scavenger

Perk 2: Overkill

Perk 3: Steady Aim

Strike Package: Assault (Care Package, Reaper, Assault Drone)

Death Streak: Juiced

First Recon

Primary :UMP45 w/Rapid Fire

Secondary :MP412 w/Tactical Knife

Equipment :Frag

Tactical :Flash Grenade

Perk 1 :Recon

Perk 2 :Quickdraw

Perk 3 :Dead Silence

Strike Package: Assault (Care Package, Reaper ,Assault Drone)

Death Streak :Juiced


Primary :MK46 w/Red Dot Sight andGrip

Secondary :SMAW

Equipment :Frag

Tactical :Flash Grenade

Perk 1 :Blind Eye

Perk 2 :Blast Shield

Perk 3 :SitRep

Strike Package: Support (Counter-UAV,Recon Drone,Remote Sentry)

Death Streak :Juiced

Scout Sniper

Primary :Barrett .50cal

Secondary :P99

Equipment :Frag

Tactical :Smoke Grenade

Perk 1 :Extreme Conditioning

Perk 2 :Assassin

Perk 3 :Marksman

Strike Package: Assault (Care Package, Reaper ,Assault Drone)

Death Streak :Juiced

Riot Control

Primary :Striker

Secondary :Skorpion

Equipment :Frag

Tactical :Concussion Grenade

Perk 1 :Sleight of Hand

Perk 2 :Hardline

Perk 3 :Stalker

Strike Package: Support (Counter-UAV,Recon Drone,Remote Sentry)

Death Streak :Juiced

Preset Classes in Call of Duty: Black Ops II

There are 5 preset classes for online play in Call of Duty: Black Ops II:


Primary : Skorpion EVO w/ Extended Mags and Foregrip

Secondary : B23R w/ Laser Sight

Lethal : C4

Tactical : Smoke Grenade

Perk 1 : Ghost

Perk 2 : Scavenger

Perk 3 : Dead Silence


Primary : M1216 w/ Laser Sight

Secondary : Crossbow

Lethal : Combat Axe

Tactical : Tactical Insertion

Perk 1 : Lightweight

Perk 2 : Fast Hands

Perk 3 : Dexterity and Extreme Conditioning

Wildcards : Perk 3 Greed


Primary : M27 w/ Fast Mag and Reflex Sight

Secondary : FHJ-18 AA

Lethal : Grenade

Tactical : Shock Charge x2

Perk 1 : Flak Jacket

Perk 2 : Toughness

Perk 3 : Tactical Mask

Heavy Gunner

Primary : LSAT w/ Quickdraw Handle, Full Metal Jacket, and Target Finder

Lethal : Semtex

Tactical : Trophy System

Perk 1 : Blind Eye

Perk 2 : Cold Blooded

Perk 3 : Engineer

Wildcards : Primary Gunfighter

Scout Recon

Primary XPR-50 w/ Ballistics CPU and Variable Zoom

Secondary : KAP-40 w/ Dual Wield

Lethal : Bouncing Betty

Tactical : Sensor Grenade

Perk 1 : Hardline

Perk 2 : Hard Wired

Perk 3 : Awareness

Preset Loadouts in Call of Duty: Ghosts

When the player purchases and unlocks a new soldier, they can select from one of five default loadouts to begin playing with their new soldier. All of that soldier's online Multiplayer loadouts start with that loadout's weapons, attachments, equipment, and perks unlocked first, and their Assault Strike Packages with SAT COM, Guard Dog, and Maniac, and their Support Strike Packages with SAT COM, Ammo Crate, and Oracle. Loadouts 2 and 3 start their primary weapons with the SC-2010 and the Bizon. (Loadouts 4, 5, and 6 are locked, requiring 20, 25, and 30 Squad Points respectively to purchase)


Primary: SA-805 w/ Red Dot Sight + Foregrip

Secondary: M9A1

Lethal: Frag Grenade

Tactical: Concussion

Perks: Marathon, Quickdraw, Extra Tactical, Fully Loaded


Primary: Vector CRB

Secondary: MP-443 Grach

Lethal: Frag Grenade

Tactical: Concussion

Perks: Steady Aim, Blind Eye, Scavenger, ICU

Covert Ops

Primary: Honey Badger

Secondary: P226 w/ Silencer

Lethal: Throwing Knife

Tactical: Smoke

Perks: Takedown, Dead Silence, Off the Grid, SitRep

Heavy Gunner

Primary: M27-IAR w/ VMR Sight

Secondary: Kastet

Lethal: Frag Grenade

Tactical: Concussion

Perks: Blast Shield, Extra Lethal, Hardline, Ping


Primary: MR-28 w/ Muzzle Brake + Armor-Piercing

Secondary: PDW w/ Silencer

Lethal: I.E.D.

Tactical: Motion Sensor

Perks: Incog, Amplify, Focus, Extra Tactical

Sniper (Local Play Only)

Primary: L115

Secondary: PDW

Lethal: I.E.D.

Tactical: Motion Sensor

Perks: Blind Eye, Incog, Amplify, Extra Tactical

Preset Loadouts in Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare

Advanced Warfare multiplayer marks the returns of several old mechanics, with one being the Black Ops II Pick-10 Create-A-Class system, however in Advanced Warfare it's a Pick-13 system due to the fact that Scorestreaks are a part of the Create-A-Class.


Role: All purpose assault

Primary: Bal-27 w/ Parabolic Microphone, Grenade Launcher, Hybrid Sight

Secondary: RW1

Exo Launcher: Threat Grenade

Exo Ability: Exo Shield

Perk 1: Overcharged

Perk 2: Peripherals

Perk 3: Toughness

Wildcard: Primary Gunfighter

Scorestreak 1: UAV

Scorestreak 2: Remote Turret w/ Rippable

Run and Gun

Role: Rapid attacker

Primary: KF5 w/ Laser Sight & Suppressor

Secondary: Atlas 45

Exo Launcher: Variable Grenade

Exo Ability: Exo Overclock

Perk 1: Lightweight & Flak Jacket

Perk 2: Gung-Ho & Fast Hands

Perk 3: Blast Suppressor

Wildcard: Perk 1 Greed & Perk 2 Greed


Role: Long Range marksman

Primary: MORS w/ Thermal & Stock

Secondary: RW1 w/ Red Dot Sight

Exo Launcher: Spike Drone

Exo Ability: Exo Cloak

Perk 1: Low Profile

Perk 2: Blind Eye & Cold-Blooded

Perk 3: Hard Wired

Wildcard: Perk 2 Greed

Scorestreak 1: UAV w/ Threat Detection


Role: Demolitions

Primary: Tac-19 w/ Advanced Rifling & Laser Sight

Secondary: XMG

Exo Launcher: Explosive Drone & Frag x2

Perk 1: Danger Close

Perk 2: Fast Hands

Perk 3: Scavenger

Wildcard: Overkill & Bombardier

Scorestreak 1: Remote Turret w/ Sentry


Role: Anti-armor and scorestreaks

Primary: EM1 w/ Heat Sink & Tracker

Secondary: Stinger M7

Exo Ability: Exo Stim

Perk 1: Overcharged

Perk 2: Peripherals

Perk 3: Hardline

Wildcard: Streaker

Scorestreak 1: Orbital Care Package

Scorestreak 2: XS1 Vulcan

Scorestreak 3: XS1 Goliath

Scorestreak 4: Warbird w/ Warbird Wingman

Preset Loadouts in Call of Duty: Black Ops III


Primary: Kuda w/ ELO + Extended Mag + FMJ + Quickdraw

Tactical: Smoke Screen

Perks: Tracker, Gung-Ho

Wildcards: Primary Gunfighter


Primary: Argus w/ Long Barrel + Rapid Fire

Secondary: XM-53

Lethal: C4

Tactical: EMP

Perks: Blind Eye, Hard Wired, Engineer


Primary: ICR-1 w/ Reflex + Fast Mags +


Secondary: Black Cell

Lethal: Thermite

Tactical: Flashbang

Perks: Ghost (perk), Cold Blooded, Dead Silence


Primary: 48 Dredge w/ Recon + Quickdraw + Rapid Fire

Secondary: L-CAR 9

Lethal: Semtex

Tactical: Trophy System

Perks: Flak Jacket, Scavenger (perk), Tactical Mask


Primary: SVG-100 w/ Extended Mag + Ballistics CPU

Secondary: RK5 w/ Laser Sight

Lethal: Trip Mine

Tactical: Shock Charge

Perks: Sixth Sense, Ante Up, Awareness

Preset Loadouts in Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare


Primary: Type-2 w/ ELO, Foregrip, Quickdraw

Secondary: Oni

Lethal: C4

Tactical: Jammer Grenade

Perk 1: Dexterity

Perk 2: Tracker

Perk 3: Pin Point

Rapid Response

Primary: Karma-45 w/ Laser Sight & Extended Mag

Lethal: Bio Spike

Tactical: Blackout Grenade

Perk 1: Ghost

Perk 2: Momentum

Perk 3: Dead Silence & Gung-Ho


Primary: EBR-800 w/ Quickdraw & Suppressor

Secondary (Overkill): RPR Evo

Lethal: Trip Mine

Tactical: Smoke Grenade

Perk 1: Blind Eye

Perk 2: Cold-Blooded

Perk 3: Marksman

Heavy Weapons

Primary: Mauler w/ Extended Mag, Laser Sight, FMJ

Secondary: Spartan SA3

Tactical: Dome Shield

Perk 1: Blast Shield

Perk 2: Tac Resist

Perk 3: Hardwired


Secondary: Kendall 44 w/ Akimbo, Auto Sear, Rifled Barrel, Extended Mag

Perk 1: Overclock

Perk 2: Scavenger

Perk 3: Gung-Ho

Preset Loadouts in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare (2019)


Primary: FR 5.56

Secondary: M19

Lethal: Frag Grenade

Tactical: Snapshot Grenade

Perk 1: Quick Fix

Perk 2: Restock

Perk 3: Shrapnel


Primary: AUG

Secondary: .50 GS

Lethal: Thermite

Tactical: Smoke Grenade

Perk 1: Cold Blooded

Perk 2: Ghost

Perk 3: Tracker

Heavy Support

Primary: M91

Secondary (Overkill): Riot Shield

Lethal: Proximity Mine

Tactical: Decoy Grenade

Perk 1: Kill Chain

Perk 2: Overkill

Perk 3: Amped


Primary: AK-47

Secondary: PILA

Lethal: C4

Tactical: Gas Grenade

Perk 1: E.O.D.

Perk 2: Hardline

Perk 3: Battle Hardened


Primary: AX-50

Secondary (Overkill): Model 680

Lethal: Claymore

Tactical: Stun Grenade

Perk 1: Scavenger

Perk 2: Overkill

Perk 3: Spotter

Best Class for Being Stealth Black Ops 4
