Alliance Enterprises Palm Beach Gardens Fl
The Homeless and Housing Alliance (HHA) of Palm Beach County (formerly the Continuum of Care) is intended to deliver a comprehensive and coordinated continuum of services for homeless individuals and families. The system's fundamental components include homeless prevention, outreach and assessment, emergency shelter, transitional housing, supportive services, permanent housing, and permanent supportive housing. The HHA includes community-based membership with representatives from government, business, formerly homeless individuals, law enforcement, banking, housing service providers, faith groups, education, veterans, health care, and concerned individuals. Palm Beach County Division of Human Services (the Division) continues its role as the lead entity for the HHA which began in January 2006. Click for copy of By-Laws.
We want to ensure our community partners are up to speed with our local response efforts to the Coronavirus in Palm Beach County. For this reason, we will be hosting frequent webinars on Preventing the Spread of COVID-19 While Maintaining Access to Health and Human Services.
ESG FY 2022 NOFO Non Conflict Grant Committee Meeting
Please visit ESG FY 2022 NOFO Non Conflict Grant Committee Meeting-20210426 1301-1 []
Password - JmjR2ApP
ESG FY 2021-2022 NOFO Application
Please visit
2 020 Point in Time Count
Youth Homelessness Demostration Project (YHDP) -Coordinated Community Plan (CCP)
PBC Coordinated Community Plan to Prevent End Homelessness.pdf
2020 Youth Homelessness Demonstration Project (YHDP) Application
The Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for FY18 Youth Homelessness Demonstration Project (YHDP) funding for the period October 1, 2020- September 30, 2022 has been released to the public.
2020 YHDP Local Project Application NOFO 05122020.pdf
Application packages must be submitted to:
No applications will be accepted after this deadline, Tuesday, May 19, 2020.
If you have any questions, please feel free to email or contact Keianna Pierre Louis (561) 355-4776.
Youth Homelessness Demonstration Project (YHDP) Review of Project Applications will be held on Thursday, June 4, 2020 at 9:00am via WebEx
Members of the public who plan to attend the meeting in person are asked to please notify the DHVS, if possible at or call 561-355-4776.
Communication Media Technology (CMT) may be accessed at the following location which is normally open to the public:
810 Datura Street, West Palm Beach, FL 33401, Human Services Conference Room.
People wishing to attend in person may do so at 810 Datura Street, West Palm Beach FL 33401, Human Services Conference Room.
Anyone interested in additional information may write DHVS at 810 Datura Street, West Palm Beach, FL 33401, or email or call 561-355-4776.
Also, those wishing to make public comments may send their comments to Keianna Pierre Louis at 810 Datura Street, West Palm Beach, FL 33401 or email to
In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act ("ADA"), persons with disabilities requiring accommodations in order to participate in this public meeting should contact the DHVS at no later than three (3) business days prior to such meeting.
Public participation is solicited without regard to race, color, national origin, age, sex, religion, disability or family status.
Persons who require special accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act or persons who require translation services for a meeting (free of charge), please call 561-355-4776 or send email to at least five business days in advance. Hearing impaired individuals are requested to telephone the Florida Relay System at #711.
YHDP Panel Review -Score Funding Award 6.4.2020.pdf
2020 Youth Homelessness Demonstration Project (YHDP) Application
Youth Homelessness Demonstration Project (YHDP) will be held on Wednesday, May 6, 2020 at 9:00am via WebEx
Members of the public who plan to attend the meeting in person are asked to please notify Human and Veteran Service, if possible at or call 561-355-4776.
Communication Media Technology (CMT) may be accessed at the following location which is normally open to the public:
810 Datura Street, West Palm Beach, FL 33401, Human and Veteran Services Conference Room (2nd Floor).
People wishing to attend in person may do so at 810 Datura Street, West Palm Beach FL 33401, Human and Veteran Services Conference Room (2nd Floor).
Anyone interested in additional information may write Human and Veteran Services at 810 Datura Street, West Palm Beach, FL 33401, or email or call 561-355-4776.
Also, those wishing to make public comments may send their comments to Keianna Pierre Louis at 810 Datura Street, West Palm Beach, FL 33401 or email to
The Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for FY18 Youth Homelessness Demonstration Project (YHDP) funding for the period October 1, 2020- September 30, 2022 has been released to the public.
2020 YHDP Local Project Application NOFO Revised 4.17.2020.pdf
Youth Homelessness Demonstration Project (YHDP) Panel Review-20200506 1312-1
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Play recording [] (5 hrs 5 mins) Recording password: pShsqAP8
Amendment 1 – YHDP NOFO Grant Application
The following change has been made to the Information Guidance.
1. Page 7 – The Deadline for YHDP Project Applicants to Submit Questions was changed to April 22, 2020 at 12:00PM (Noon).
Technical Assistance meeting will be held on Friday, April 10, 2020 at 9:00 Am. via WebEx. []
Meeting number (access code): 473 355 944
Meeting password: HmFrpD3wB82
Members of the public who plan to attend the meeting in person are asked to please notify Human and Veteran Services if possible, at or 561-355-4776.
Communication Media Technology (CMT) may be accessed at the following location which is normally open to the public:
810 Datura Street, West Palm Beach, FL 33401, Basement Conference Room.
People wishing to attend in person may do so at 810 Datura Street, West Palm Beach, FL 33401, Basement Conference Room.
Also anyone interested in additional information may write Human and Veteran Services at 810 Datura Street, West Palm Beach, FL 33401 or Email at or Phone at 561-355-4776.
YHDP Technical Assistance Recording on Friday, April 10,2020.
Play recording [] (29 mins) - Recording password: mJYS9eB3
YHDP NOFO Training.pdf
Anyone wishing to submit written or physical questions and/or evidence during the CMT proceeding may submit that information in advance of the meeting to Keianna Pierre Louis at 810 Datura Street, West Pam Beach, FL 33401 or at the following email address .
Entities must complete and submit their applications to DHVS NOFO submission website by Thursday, April 23, 2020 by 12:00pm (NOON).
Application packages must be submitted to:
No applications will be accepted after this deadline.
If you have any questions, please feel free to email or contact Keianna Pierre Louis (561) 355-4776.
Youth Homelessness Demonstration Project Technical Assistance Questions
Question: Can you please confirm if there are two YHDP grant applications started within our SAMIS?
Answer: Yes, it is possible for you to have more than one application open so be sure you are completing the correct one and be sure to submit the one you want to be reviewed.
Question: Can we temporarily name our applications so we know what's what until we decide on the official name? Or are we able to change the name before it goes to HUD?
Answer: Yes, you can temporary name your YHDP applications and the project names can be changed when submitting your YHDP application to HUD on esnaps.
Question: Is there a guide book or instructions on how to navigate SAMIS? If not, are you able to publish the slides used in the technical assistance presentation on April 10?
Answer: The PDF of the PowerPoint presented on April 10, 2020 for the Technical Assistance webinar serves as the guidebook for navigating SAMIS. The recorded TA meeting is one way of reviewing the guidebook or by reviewing the actual PDF of the PowerPoint. Both are posted at the HHA website.
See Link:
Question: Are we limited to requesting funding for each program type in the $500K-$700K (annual) range, or can we request funding at closer to $300K? The NOFO kind of indicated that $500K-$700K was the range, not the max.
Answer: I believe that you are referring to the Annual Award Amount allocated to each project. Please refer to page 5 of the YHDP NOFO application that states Project budgets must be a minimum of 200,000/annually and a maximum of $500,000/annually. Yes, you can request funding at closer to $300,000/annually.
Question: I am not sure what the process is to receive responses to TA Q's. Can you share that with me?
Answer: Please refer to page 6 on the YHDP NOFO application under the Technical Assistance paragraph that discuss the process to receive responses to TA Questions.
Question: Would there be any chance that you can extend the technical assistance until Monday or Tuesday?
Answer: Technical Assistance Questions Deadline will be extended to April 22, 2020 to ensure that all SAMIS/WebAuthor issues/concerns are addressed and corrected by April 23, 2020.
Question: Are there any TA questions submitted and answered.
Answer: Yes, please visit our HHA page ( to view all submitted YHDP TA questions and answers.
Question: Is there any way to print the SAMIS application to a PDF?
Answer: Please refer to the PDF of the PowerPoint located on the HHA webpage ( that was presented on April 10, 2020 for the Technical Assistance webinar. On Slide 31 there is an image to assist with printing your SAMIS application to a PDF.
ESG GY 2020-2021 NOFO Grant Application
ESG GY 2020-2021 NOFO-Grant Application 04082020.pdf
FY21 ESG Non-Conflict Grant Review will be held on Monday, April 20, 2020 at 1:00 p.m. via WebEx.
Members of the public who plan to attend the meeting in person are asked to please notify Human and Veteran Service, if possible at or call 561-355-9901.
Communication Media Technology (CMT) may be accessed at the following location which is normally open to the public:
810 Datura Street, West Palm Beach, FL 33401, Basement Conference Room.
People wishing to attend in person may do so at 810 Datura Street, West Palm Beach FL 33401, Basement Conference Room.
Anyone interested in additional information may write Human and Veteran Services at 810 Datura Street, West Palm Beach, FL 33401, or email or call 561-355-9901.
Also, those wishing to make public comments may send their comments to Sonya McNair to 810 Datura Street, West Palm Beach, FL 33401 or email to
Please be advised that the Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for FY21 Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) funding for the period October 1, 2020- September 30, 2021, has been released to the public.
Technical Assistance meeting will be held on Monday, March 23, 2020 at Community Services, 810 Datura Street, West Palm Beach 33401, 2nd Floor, Human Services Conference Room.
Entities must complete and submit their applications to DHVS NOFO submission website by Friday, April 10, 2020 by 12:00pm (NOON).
Application packages must be submitted to :
No applications will be accepted after this deadline.
If you have questions, please feel free to contact Sonya McNair at or 355-9910
ESG GY 2020-2021 NOFO-Grant Application.pdf
Please be advised that an Amendment has been issued for RFP-140-ESG2020, the HUD Emergency Solutions Grant Program, FY 2021:
Amendment 1 - ESG GY 2020-2021 NOFO Grant Application
The following three changes have been made to the Information Guidance.
1. Page 2 - the email address for the Division of Human and Veteran Services has been changed to ""
2.Page 2 - The "Funding Available" paragraph has been changed to the following:
Funding Available
Funding availability for fiscal year (FY) 2021 is $562,941. All dollar amounts are subject to Federal budget approval. ESG recipients are required to consult with the local Continuum of Care (CoC) when determining how to allocate ESG funds. Palm Beach County's (PBC's) CoC, known as the Homeless and Housing Alliance (HHA), has allocated FY 2021 ESG funds as follows:
- $75,000 for PBC's HMIS activities;
- 7.5% of remaining funds (which is $36,595) for PBC's administrative costs;
- Of the remaining funds (which is $451,346) :
- 60% ($270,808) for emergency shelter activities
- Priority to be given to emergency shelter for homeless families with children
- 40% ($180,538) for Rapid Re-Housing for individuals and families
3. Page 22 - The second paragraph has been changed to:
An applicant filing a grievance shall complete and submit this ESG Program Grievance Notice Form to the CSD Director within five (5) business days of the NCG Review Meeting. Applicant shall receive a written response within fifteen (15) business days of the receipt of this form.
Amendment 2- ESG GY 2020-2021 NOFO Grant Application
ESG GY 2020-2021- Grant Application was updated on 4/08/2020 to Reflect Below:
Page 40, Exhibit 4 was added to the ESG NOFO Application to reflect that Operation 120 is an HHA Member in Good Standing
Please be advised that due to the COVID-19 virus, the Division of Human and Veteran Services (DHVS) will hold a Technical Assistance Workshop for FY21 ESG Program Applicants from 9:00 am to 10:30 am on Monday, March 23, 2020 via Webex. A meeting invitation will go out to the HHA.
Entities must complete and submit their applications to DHVS NOFO submission website by Friday, April 10, 2020 by 12:00pm (NOON).
Application packages must be submitted to :
No applications will be accepted after this deadline.
If you have questions, please feel free to contact Sonya McNair at PBC-ESGNOFO@PBCGOV.ORG or 355-9910
Special Notice:
If you require Americans with Disabilities Act accommodations to participate in the CoC Renewal or New Project Application, please notify Sonya McNair, by phone at 561-355-9901 or by emails at within at least seven (7) days of the deadline. Accommodations will be provided at no extra charge.
2019 CoC Approved Consolidated Application
2019 CoC Approved Consolidated Application
2019 CoC Scoring and Ranking
2019 CoC Scoring and Ranking Results
2019 CoC Renewal Application
- Project Application due Friday August 9, 2019 by 12:00 PM (revised)
2019 CoC App Grantee Certification Form
2019 CoC Renewal Project Application Package - Match Form
2019 CoC Renewal Application Checklist Revised
2019 CoC Renewal Project Application Package
2019 CoC Renewal Scoring Tool Revised
2019 CoC Grant Grievance Notice
2019 CoC New Project Application
- Project Application due Friday August 19, 2019 by 12:00 PM (revised)
2019 CoC New App Grantee Certification Form
2019 CoC New Project Application Checklist Revised
2019 CoC New Project Application-PSH RRH
2019 CoC New Projects Scoring Tool
2019 CoC NOFA Documents
2019 CoC RPF Cone of Silence Revised
2019 CoC Timeline
CMIS Agency Agreement
2018 Attendance
2018 HHA Subcommittee Attendance
2020 ESG RFP
- Technical Assistance meeting will be held on Monday, March 25, 2019
- 9:00 am – 10:30 am at 810 Datura Street, West Palm Beach, Florida 33401.
- RFP application deadline for FY 2020 ESG funding
- Friday, April 12, 2019 by 12:00 pm (NOON).
- Attachment_1_2020_ESG_RFP_Cover_Sheet
- Attachment_2_2020_ESG_ Categories_ Activities_ Sheet
- Attachment_3_ 2020 ESG RFP_Budget Worksheet
- Attachment_5_2017-2018 HHA Sub-Committee Attendance 2020 ESG RFP
If you have any questions, contact Jade Greene (ESG Contracts & Grant Coordinator), PBC Division of Human Services, 810 Datura Street, West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 (561) 355-4777 or
Accelerated Gentrification - NPR
The HHA Membership Registration will allow you to sign up to receive e-mails and information from the network. It will also allow you to register on an Homeless and Housing Alliance Sub-Committee. After you have registered once you will be given access to the Community Services Portal and the HHA main application where you will maintain your registration, have access to reports and be able to RSVP for Events. Register today!
Guide to using the Homeless and Housing Alliance Membership Registration
The National Association of Counties ( NACo) is pleased to grant Palm Beach County a 2014 Achievement Award for its program titled "homeless Data Tracking" in the category of Human Services. Congratulations to everyone involved, who were able to develop this innovative program! Your hard work will yield positive results for Palm Beach County. Award
One Year Status Report: Senator Philip D. Lewis Center (Homeless Resource Center, HRC)
Click here for a copy of report.
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